Area Rug Pad: “Sunset Rug” provides the very best area rug Pad to prevent rug wear. All rugs utilized over any hard surface should have Pads for better wear and safety. Non-Slip Rug Pads provide extraordinary non-skid control and unmatched protection against rug wear. Rugs placed on the carpet which wrinkle should have the Grip-it, which is specifically designed for use when oriental and other area rugs are used over carpet. Pads prevent rippling, bunching and moving.

How the (name of your brand) works.
1. Make an online booking for a date and time you prefer
2. A fully equipped, local carpet cleaner will show up at your doorstep
3. He will carefully inspect and deep clean your carpet or rug on site
4. Enjoy refreshed carpeting and a much healthier home